Projects per year
- 250 - 294 out of 294 results
Search results
Plasmodium vivax genotyping and modelling: a new tool for malaria control in Central Vietnam
Pham, V. T., Rosanas-Urgell, A., Erhart, A., Speybroeck, N. & Hung, L. X.
1/09/10 → 6/09/18
Project: PhD-project
Development of combined highly active anti-retroviral microbicides and or biomakers to assess safety of microbicides
Kyongo Karanja, J., Vanham, G., Vanham, G., Jespers, V. & Ariën, K.
1/07/10 → 19/11/18
Project: PhD-project
Epidemiological study and molecular characterization of non-tsetse transmitted trypanosomes in Ethiopia: understanding the importance of mechanical versus cyclical transmission in control strategies.
Gari, F. R., Büscher, P., Goddeeris, B. M. & Merga, B.
1/07/10 → 17/04/15
Project: PhD-project
Epidemiology of Rift Valley Fever (RVF) in the Kilombero river valley, Tanzania
Sumaye, R., Berkvens, D., Thiry, E. & Geubbels, E.
1/06/10 → 19/02/19
Project: PhD-project
Promoting HTLV-1 blood transfusion safety in an endemic country. Towards expanded, evidence-based HTLV-1 control strategies of Peruvian Blood Banks
Gonzalez Lagos, E. V., Boelaert, M., Vanham, G. & Gotuzzo, E.
1/03/10 → 31/12/20
Project: PhD-project
BURULIVAC: Identification and development of vaccine candidates for Buruli Ulcer Disease
de Jong, B. & Janssens, N.
1/03/10 → 31/05/13
Project: Research Project
HIV mRNA: In vivo mRNA delivery into dendritic cells for immunotherapy
Vanham, G., Grooten, J., De Smedt, S., Rejman, J., Van Gulck, E. & Janssens, N.
1/01/10 → 31/12/15
Project: Research Project
CHAARM: Combined Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Microbicides
Vanham, G., Buvé, A. & Janssens, N.
1/01/10 → 30/06/15
Project: Research Project
Diagnose MDR-TB: An alternative way to improve diagnosis of multidrug resistant tuberculosis: a rapid diagnostic test and a clinical score.
Colebunders, R., Rigouts, L., Lorent, N. & Van der Meer, A.
1/01/10 → 31/12/14
Project: Research Project
NOPERSIST: Novel strategies for the prevention and control of persistent infections
de Jong, B. & Janssens, N.
1/01/10 → 30/06/12
Project: Research Project
Development and appliation of cellular and molecular tools for monitoring miltefosine resistance in Leishmania donovani isolates from Nepal
Rai, K., Dujardin, J., Pal, C., Bhattarai, N. R. & Van der Auwera, G.
1/01/10 → 6/08/20
Project: PhD-project
Molecular epidemiological approach to understand the emergence and spread of drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains in Peru
Barletta, F., Rigouts, L. & Arevalo, J.
1/01/10 → 17/06/15
Project: PhD-project
Immunopathogenese van het immuunreconstitutie inflammatoir syndroom (IRIS) in HIV/TB-patiënten die antiretrovirale therapie ontvangen: Zoektocht naar prognostische en diagnostische merkers
Goovaerts, O., Kestens, L. & Kestens, L.
1/01/10 → 4/02/15
Project: PhD-project
Virorisk: Risk of emergence of viral diseases driven by ecoclimatic
Coosemans, M., Van Bortel, W., ZWETKOFF, C. & Thiry, E.
15/12/09 → 31/01/12
Project: Research Project
Controle de l'Ulcère de Buruli dans le territoire de Songololo en République Démocratique du congo: Impact de la décentralisation et de l'intégration des activités de lutte dans les services de santé de base.
Phanzu, M. D., Boelaert, M., Ieven, M., Lutumba, P. & Portaels, F.
1/12/09 → 16/04/15
Project: PhD-project
Antimalarial treatment efficacy and safety in pregnant women
Nambozi, M., D'Alessandro, U., Van Geertruyden, J. & Mulenga, M.
1/11/09 → 20/12/19
Project: PhD-project
VBORNET: European Network for Arthropod Vector Surveillance for Human Public Health
Coosemans, M. & Van Bortel, W.
9/09/09 → 15/02/13
Project: Research Project
Mycolactone induced immunosuppression in Buruli ulcer
Vandelannoote, K., de Jong, B. & Rigouts, L.
18/08/09 → 7/10/16
Project: PhD-project
Novel immmunization strategy, using non-viral carriers for mRNA, encoding HIV protein variants.
Vanham, G., Grooten, J., De Smedt, S. & Janssens, N.
Flemish Government - Department of Economy, Science & Innovation
1/07/09 → 31/08/13
Project: Research Project
Epidémiologie et impacts économiques de la fièvre aphteuse au Bénin.
Houndje, E., Berkvens, D., Saegerman, C. & Kpodekon, M.
1/06/09 → 11/07/18
Project: PhD-project
SIALO TARG: Advanced vaccines and pharmaceuticals targeted to macrophages via sialoadhesin
Rigouts, L., Elewaut, D., Nauwynck, H., Stinissen, P., de Jong, B., Eddyani, M. & Van Peer, N.
Agency for Innovation by Science & Technology
1/03/09 → 28/02/13
Project: Research Project
Validity and feasability of use of a rapid and innovative test for detection of Multi Drug Resistant (MDR) TB cases in Kinshasa, DRC
Kaswa-Kayomo, M., Boelaert, M., Van Deun, A. & Muyembe, J.
1/03/09 → 6/07/18
Project: PhD-project
ChagasEpiNet: Comparative epidemiology of genetic lineages of Trypanosoma cruzi
Büscher, P., Van der Auwera, G. & Desager, S.
1/01/09 → 31/12/12
Project: Research Project
TB PAN NET: Pan-European network for the study and clinical management of drug resistant tuberculosis
de Jong, B., Rigouts, L. & Janssens, N.
1/01/09 → 30/06/14
Project: Research Project
SNTB-Indonesie: Sputum smear negative TB: validity of complementary laboratory tests and effectiveness of alternative diagnostic strategies.
Van der Stuyft, P., Portaels, F., Battaglioli, T. C. E., Matthys, F. & Everaert, R.
1/01/09 → 28/02/15
Project: Research Project
KALADRUG-R: New tools for monitoring drug resistance and treatment response in visceral leishmaniasis in the Indian subcontinent
Dujardin, J., Boelaert, M., Ostyn, B. & Desager, S.
1/11/08 → 30/04/13
Project: Research Project
P. vivax cycle: The complete in vitro Plasmodium vivax cycle as a first step for understanding its biology and identifying new therapeutic targets.
D'Alessandro, U., Van Den Abbeele, J., Erhart, A., Coosemans, M., Van Overmeir, C. & Van den Eede, P.
1/09/08 → 31/12/13
Project: Research Project
Transfection of Theileria parva and the role of genes encoding QP-rich proteins in host-parasite interactions
Dorny, P., Geysen, D. & DOBBELAERE, D.
Flemish Government - Department of Economy, Science & Innovation
1/09/08 → 31/12/11
Project: Research Project
Modelling of transmission dynamics of major zoonoses in Ecuador
Ron Garrido, L. J., Berkvens, D., Saegerman, C. & Benitez , W.
1/06/08 → 23/03/16
Project: PhD-project
NGIN: Next generation HIV-1 immunogens inducing broadly reactive neutralising antibodies
Vanham, G. & Janssens, N.
1/02/08 → 31/07/12
Project: Research Project
FAST-XDR: Development of a two-approach plate system for the fast and simultaneous detection of MDR and XDR M. tuberculosis
Portaels, F., de Jong, B. & Janssens, N.
1/02/08 → 31/01/12
Project: Research Project
Bluetongue 2006 - 2012
Dorny, P., Deblauwe, I., De Deken, G. & Vantieghem, P.
Federal Public Service - Health, Food Chain Safety & Environment
1/01/08 → 31/12/12
Project: Research Project
TB-IRIS: Pathogenesis and identification of predictive factors of TB-IRIS in HIV patients under HAART
Kestens, L., Daneau, G. & Janssens, N.
1/07/07 → 30/06/11
Project: Research Project
Epidemiology of brucellosis in human, domestic ruminants and swine of Bangladesh
Rahman, A., Berkvens, D., Saegerman, C. & Uddin Ahmed, M.
1/03/07 → 2/03/15
Project: PhD-project
HIV Control: Inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) replication
1/01/07 → 31/03/12
Project: Research Project
TRYPA MODEL: Molecular dialogue between parasite and hosts : the trypanosome model
Coosemans, M. & Desager, S.
1/01/07 → 29/02/12
Project: Research Project
MYCOLACTONE: Detection of the system and the level of the mycolactone expression in Mycobacterium ulcerans.
de Jong, B. & Janssens, N.
1/01/07 → 31/12/12
Project: Research Project
MODIRISK: Mosquito, vectors of disease: spatial biodiversity drivers of change, and risk
Van Bortel, W. & Coosemans, M.
15/12/06 → 31/01/11
Project: Research Project
TFCASS: Tsetse flies and the control of African sleeping sickness
1/10/06 → 30/09/10
Project: Research Project
Brucellosis epidemiology in Ecuador
Ron Roman, J. W., Berkvens, D., Saegerman, C. & Benitez , W.
1/04/06 → 21/12/16
Project: PhD-project
Environmental changes in Africa and tsetse habitat fragmentation: epidemiological consequences and perspectives for control
Mweempwa, C., Dorny, P., De Deken, R. & Penzhorn, B.
1/01/06 → 22/04/15
Project: PhD-project
Etude épidémiologique de la leishmaniose canine à 'Leishmania infantum' et son impact sur la leishmaniose viscérale humaine sur le littoral algérien
Adel, A., Berkvens, D., Saegerman, C. & Soukehal, A.
1/07/04 → 4/03/16
Project: PhD-project
EMPRO: European Microbicides Project
Vanham, G. & Buvé, A.
1/01/04 → 31/12/09
Project: Research Project