Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 370 results
Search results
Analysing healthcare accessibility and maternal and perinatal outcomes among obstetric referrals to urban hospitals in Guinea: a quantitative and geospatial approach
Grovogui, F. M., Benova, L., Alexandre, D. & Macharia, P.
1/01/25 → …
Project: PhD-project
Evaluating the Impact of Differentiated Service Delivery Approaches on viral load suppression and retention in care among Adolescents aged 10-19 living with HIV in Masaka Region, Uganda
Kaakyo, M., Hensen, B., Kagaayi, J. & Willem, L.
1/01/25 → …
Project: PhD-project
Psychosocial and economic impact of chronic kidney disease and haemodialysis on patients and households in resource poor settings: A Study from South India
Annie Elias, M., Ooms, G., Ku, G. M. V. & Wouters, E.
1/01/25 → …
Project: PhD-project
Addressing Disparities in Uptake of HIV Prevention among Young Female Sex Workers in Cameroon
Nti Mvilongo, P. T., Hensen, B., Nöstlinger, C., Michielsen, K. & Njukeng, P.
1/01/25 → …
Project: PhD-project
ELearning PreP: Developing and testing an E-learning on PrEP for general practitioners in Flanders
1/01/25 → 31/12/25
Project: Research Project
Looking through the right lens: a syndemic framework for HIV disease
Bal, N., Polman, K., Van Leth, F. & Hoekstra, T.
14/11/24 → …
Project: PhD-project
Enhancing the Fidelity and Adoption of Oral Azithromycin During Vaginal Delivery for the Prevention of Maternal Sepsis in Nigeria.
Obi-Jeff, C., Benova, L., Banke-Thomas, A. O. & Afolabi, B.
14/11/24 → …
Project: PhD-project
Oral intrapartum Azithromycin to prevent sepsis during childbirth: Studies of effectiveness, safety and relevance among women and healthcare providers
Oluwole, E. O., Benova, L., Hanson, C., Cleeve, A. & Afolabi, B.
14/11/24 → …
Project: PhD-project
GroundingEthics: Grounding Ethics in Research on Climate Change and Health: triangulating perspectives of the communities, researchers and ethical committees
Marchal, B., Michielsen, J., Ceballos, K., Kreppel, K., Martinez Abarca, A. L., Srinivas, P. N. & Kochupurackal Ulahannan, S.
11/11/24 → 11/11/25
Project: Research Project
ZLRM Pakistan: ZeroLeprosyRoadMap Pakistan (2)
Hasker, E., de Jong, B., Braet, S., Cloots, K., de Gooyer, T. & Shih, K.
Deutsche Lepra- und Tuberkulosehilfe
1/11/24 → 31/12/27
Project: Research Project
HIMM: Addressing Healthcare Gaps in the Context of Urban Informality and Mobility among Men in Uganda and Zambia
Kielmann, K., Baroudi, M., Ssengooba, F., Simwinga, M., Bukuluki, P., Namakula, J., MacGregor, H., Kisaakye, P., Mackay, H., Hensen, B. & Nöstlinger, C.
1/09/24 → 1/04/25
Project: Research Project
VECTORNET3: European Network for Medical and Veterinary Entomology
Van Bortel, W., Vanlerberghe, V. & Müller, R.
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
1/07/24 → 31/10/25
Project: Service
A Case Study on Resilience of the Local Health System in Thailand
Tawaytibhongs, O., Marchal, B., Michielsen, J. & Angkurawaranon, C.
29/05/24 → …
Project: PhD-project
Strengthening the implementation of routine screening for pregnancy-related anaemia in Nigeria
Adelabu, Y. A., Benova, L., Banke-Thomas, A. O. & Afolabi, B.
29/05/24 → …
Project: PhD-project
The impact of nutrition and infection on child growth in Cambodia
Som, V. S., Polman, K., Campos-Ponce, M., Van Der Hoeven, M. & Wieringa, F. T.
29/05/24 → …
Project: PhD-project
KWIGIRA: Strengthening the regulatory system and ethics ecosystem around vaccine and immunisation
Ravinetto, R., Ravinetto, R. & Martinez Abarca, A. L.
25/03/24 → 30/04/26
Project: Development project
CCCQ: International research network on quality of care for chronic conditions
Ku, G. M. V., Decoster, K., Katsuva, D., Arora, R., De Maesschalck, J., van de Put, W., Aljadeeah, S., Sagastume Cabrera, D., Bautmans, I., Gorus, E., Njemini, R., De Vriendt, P., Knoop, V., De Baets, S., Debain, A., Chham, S., Ma, S., Alfonso, C. R., Tanchanco, L. S., Pepito, V. F., Amit, A., Ong, M., Boateng, D., Soto, A., Gómez-Arias, R., Rodríguez-Salvá, A., Ortiz-Solórzano, P., Villacrés Landeta, T., Steel Grey, C., Nelson, M., O’Donnel, O., Heine, M., Vooigt-Pruis, H. & Van Damme, W.
1/01/24 → 31/12/28
Project: Research Project
KIS-AN2: Preventie van Diabetes type 2 en hart- en vaatziekten in de gemeenschap van Kisantu (DR Congo)
Polman, K., Katsuva, D., Ku, G. M. V. & Sagastume Cabrera, D.
1/01/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Research Project
Discontinu-Cities: Discontinu-Cities: Bevorderen van methodologisch en empirisch inzicht in de complexe dynamiek van zorgverlening en gebruik van moederlijke zorg in Afrikaanse steden met een case study van Conakry, Guinee
Benova, L., Benova, L., Alexandre, D., Dens, S., Nieto Sanchez, C. & Macharia, P.
1/01/24 → 31/12/27
Project: Research Project
ID-BQI: Investigating and defining neglected Bartonella quintana infection and ectoparasitosis among populations experiencing houselessness
Peeters, K., Boodman, C. G., Joffe, M., Bottieau, E., Cheng, M. P., Shapiro, J., Sabiston, L. & Van Bortel, W.
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Research Project
CHoNGeTSa: A survey to estimate the prevalence of STIs among youth in Zambia
Hensen, B., Hensen, B., De Baetselier, I., Ayles, H., Phiri, M. M. & Schaap, A.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
7/12/23 → 31/07/25
Project: Research Project
BE-PIN: The Belgian Pandemic Intelligence Network
Hens, N., Ingelbeen, B., van Kleef, E., Beutels, P., Cleynen, E., Domingo, D., Gilbert, M., Stevens, H., Van Bortel, W. & Van Bortel, W.
1/12/23 → 1/03/27
Project: Research Project
Scabies1: Understanding the increase in scabies cases in Flanders
Colombe, S., Meudec, M., Kreppel, K., Laisnez, V., Dhaeze, W., Cosaert, T., Okeson, P., Brosius, I., de Gooyer, T., Van Bortel, W., Aljadeeah, S., Visser, J. & Stefani, G.
Flemish Government - Agency for Care & Health
1/12/23 → 31/03/25
Project: Research Project
Understanding the impact of reducing colistin use on colistin resistance in humans and poultry in Indonesia (COINCIDE)
Soe, Y. N., Peeters, K., Schneiders, M. & Wagenaar, J. A.
16/11/23 → …
Project: PhD-project
CORNERSTONE - Containment of Antimicrobial resistance: towards a sustainable poultry production chain in Indonesia
Anwar Sani, R., Peeters, K., Schneiders, M. & Wagenaar, J. A.
16/11/23 → …
Project: PhD-project
SERVAL: ICF: Seasonal R21 mass vaccination for malaria elimination
Jaiteh, F., Peeters, K., D'Alessando, U., Erhart, A., Ousmane NDIATH, M., Mohammed, N., Yaya Bocoum, F., Ghani, A., Hill, A., Kandeh, B., HALIDOU, T. & Barry, L.
1/09/23 → 2/07/26
Project: Research Project
StrogHAT: Stop transmission of gambiense human African trypanosomiasis
Hasker, E., Nicco, E. & Snijders, R.
The European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership
1/07/23 → 30/06/28
Project: Research Project
Impact evaluation of interventions, addressing spatiotemporal transmission heterogeneity and human mobility, to control arboviruses.
Baldoquín Rodríguez, W., Kreppel, K., Vanlerberghe, V., De Baets, B., Baetens, J. & Romani, T. M. E.
1/07/23 → …
Project: PhD-project
AfyaTek2: Preparing Afya-Tek for Government-Led Scale as part of the National Unified Community System
Sarkar, N., Kielmann, K. & Dillip, A.
1/07/23 → 31/12/25
Project: Research Project
Understanding and addressing the double burden of malnutrition at the household level in Guatemala
Sagastume Cabrera, D., Benova, L., Peñalvo, J. L. & Ramirez, M.
8/06/23 → …
Project: PhD-project
Development and validation of next-generation serodiagnostics for the elimination of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense human African trypanosomiasis.
Tablado Alonso, S., Hasker, E., Rigouts, L., Van Den Abbeele, J. & Mumba-Ngoyi, D.
8/06/23 → …
Project: PhD-project
Examination of gaps in malaria data between the populations captured in household surveys and routine systems?
Taylor, C., Benova, L. & van Olmen, J.
19/04/23 → …
Project: PhD-project
Malaria preventive measures in a context of elimination in children under five in Togo: Trends in malaria prevalence, uptake of preventive measures, and associated factors.
Kombate, G., van der Sande, M., Grobbee, D. E. & Soubeiga, A.
19/04/23 → …
Project: PhD-project
‘Effective coverage’ of facility-based deliveries: exploring the relevance and feasibility of a global health indicator from the bottom-up
Molenaar, J., Benova, L. & van Olmen, J.
19/04/23 → …
Project: PhD-project
DI-MOB: Improving disease prevention strategies of epidemic spread by integrating socio-spatial characterization of human mobility, environmental typology and mathematical modelling in an urban system of Cuba
Vanlerberghe, V., Vanlerberghe, V., Kreppel, K., Nieto Sanchez, C., Van Damme, E., Dens, S., Eugenia Toledo, M., Perez, D., Peeters, K., Baldoquín Rodríguez, W., Monteagudo Díaz, S., Baetens, J. & Alleman, T.
Flemish Government - Department of Economy, Science & Innovation
1/01/23 → 31/12/26
Project: Research Project
PreP-FSW_Burkina: How to optimise the PrEP roll-out and HIV prevention among female sex workers in Burkina Faso?
Hensen, B., Vuylsteke, B., Nöstlinger, C., Traore, I., Fiorentino, M., HALIDOU, T., Reyniers, T. & Togna Pabo Willy, L.
Flemish Government - Department of Economy, Science & Innovation
1/01/23 → 31/12/26
Project: Research Project
Learning from health workforce development strategies for a resilient health system in the context of recurrent epidemics in Guinea
Kolie, D., Kielmann, K., Van Damme, W., van de Pas, R., van Olmen, J. & Delamou, A.
1/01/23 → …
Project: PhD-project
Optimizing screening practice for gestational diabetes mellitus in primary healthcare facilities in Tanzania
Kikula, A. I., Benova, L., Peñalvo, J. L., Pembe, A. B., Kaushik, R. & Sirili, N.
1/01/23 → …
Project: PhD-project
YoPAAPE: A Youth-centred Preventive Action Approach towards co-created implementation of socially and Physicall activating Environmental interventions ITM develop an intervention theory for the selected interventions + realist evaluation of the whole study.
Van Belle, S., Van Belle, S., Martens, M., Chin A Paw, M. J. M., Altenburg, T., Klaufus, L., Palmeira, A. L., Nunez Silva, M., Draper, C. E., Pawslowski, C. K., Schipperijn, J. & Oyeyemi, A. L.
1/01/23 → 31/12/27
Project: Research Project
CORE: CORE - Community Response to End Inequalities
Hensen, B., Van Landeghem, E., Panochenko, O., Bagyinszky, F., Gurinova, A., Cosmaro, M. L., Tessier, J., Flaherty-Gupta, A., Vicente, M., Fernàndez-López, L., Casabona, J., Ankiersztejn-Bartczak, M., Voudouri, N., Foly Lawson, P., Cosic, M., Lubenova, A., Szabó, M. B., DE LAON, B., Oprea, C., Ursan, M., Lixandru, M., Hanu, L., Jašeková, D., Krasidis, C., von Lingen, A. & Nöstlinger, C.
European Health and Digital Executive Agency
1/01/23 → 31/12/25
Project: Research Project
Injectable PrEP: Investigating the feasibility of providing injectable PrEP for HIV Prevention in Flanders
Reyniers, T., De Baetselier, I., Nöstlinger, C., Kenyon, C., Hensen, B., Reyniers, T., Scheerder, G., Vanbaelen, T. & Togna Pabo Willy, L.
1/10/22 → 30/09/26
Project: Research Project
MISPOD: Is MIStreatment of women during facility-based childbirth an independent risk factor for POstpartum Depression in Ethiopia and Guinea? A mixed methods prospective study - MISPOD Study
Asefa, A., Marchal, B., Delamou, A., Gebremedhin, S., Benova, L. & Asefa, A.
1/10/22 → 30/09/25
Project: Mandate
Fascioliasis transmission, and it’s burden in Northern Vietnam
Hoang, Q. V., Polman, K., Callens, S., Dermauw, V. & Trung Dung, D.
6/07/22 → …
Project: PhD-project
HSS-Tete: Health System Strengthening - ITM Support to SPS Tete
van de Put, W., De Maesschalck, J., Annemans, H., van de Put, W. & Van Damme, W.
Flemish Government - Department of Chancery & Foreign Affairs
1/07/22 → 30/06/25
Project: Development project