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Looking through the right lens: a syndemic framework for HIV disease
Bal, N., Polman, K., Van Leth, F. & Hoekstra, T.
14/11/24 → …
Project: PhD-project
The impact of nutrition and infection on child growth in Cambodia
Som, V. S., Polman, K., Campos-Ponce, M., Van Der Hoeven, M. & Wieringa, F. T.
29/05/24 → …
Project: PhD-project
CCCQ: International research network on quality of care for chronic conditions
Ku, G. M. V., Decoster, K., Katsuva, D., Arora, R., De Maesschalck, J., van de Put, W., Aljadeeah, S., Sagastume Cabrera, D., Bautmans, I., Gorus, E., Njemini, R., De Vriendt, P., Knoop, V., De Baets, S., Debain, A., Chham, S., Ma, S., Alfonso, C. R., Tanchanco, L. S., Pepito, V. F., Amit, A., Ong, M., Boateng, D., Soto, A., Gómez-Arias, R., Rodríguez-Salvá, A., Ortiz-Solórzano, P., Villacrés Landeta, T., Steel Grey, C., Nelson, M., O’Donnel, O., Heine, M., Vooigt-Pruis, H. & Van Damme, W.
1/01/24 → 31/12/28
Project: Research Project
KIS-AN2: Preventie van Diabetes type 2 en hart- en vaatziekten in de gemeenschap van Kisantu (DR Congo)
Polman, K., Katsuva, D., Ku, G. M. V. & Sagastume Cabrera, D.
1/01/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Research Project
Fascioliasis transmission, and it’s burden in Northern Vietnam
Hoang, Q. V., Polman, K., Callens, S., Dermauw, V. & Trung Dung, D.
6/07/22 → …
Project: PhD-project
RIVER EPILEPSY: Stopping the burden of disease caused by onchocerciasis- associated epilepsy
Polman, K., Polman, K. & Trevisan, C.
1/01/22 → 31/12/25
Project: Research Project
FA5 ETHIOPIA: Achieving progress in control of NTDs & AMR in Ethiopia
van Griensven, J., Pareyn, M., Dermauw, V. & van Griensven, J.
Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid
1/01/22 → 31/12/26
Project: Development project
FA5 RWANDA: Make Rwandan institutes leaders in infectious diseaseprevention, diagnosis and control
Rigouts, L., Rosanas-Urgell, A., Kattenberg, E., de Jong, B., Cuella Martin, I., Mitchell, E., Theunissen, C., Polman, K., Trevisan, C., Ravinetto, R., Roosen, T., de Jong, B. & Rosanas-Urgell, A.
Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid
1/01/22 → 31/12/26
Project: Development project
FA5 RD CONGO: Strengthen research and education capacities in the partner institutes (INRB, CRSK, ESP) in DRC (Outcome 1) Support to interruption of transmission of Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) by 2030 (Outcome 2)
Verlé, P., Nicco, E., Van Cauwenberg, I., Rosanas-Urgell, A., Mutsaers, M., de Jong, B., Van Den Abbeele, J., Dermauw, V., Ariën, K., Hauner, A., Monsieurs, P., Van Bortel, W., Van Den Abbeele, J., Van Den Abbeele, J., Kreppel, K., Vanlerberghe, V., Ingelbeen, B., Lepore, L., Inocêncio da Luz, R., Semaan, A., Seghers, C., Polman, K., Katsuva, D., Colombe, S., Benova, L. & Meudec, M.
Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid
1/01/22 → 31/12/26
Project: Development project
FA5 VIETNAM: Capacity building & policy support in parasitologicaldisease
Kattenberg, E., Peeters, K., Dermauw, V. & Kattenberg, E.
Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid
1/01/22 → 31/12/26
Project: Development project
Diagnostic and epidemiological aspects of human toxocariasis in Cuba
Sariego Ramos, I., Polman, K., Van der Stuyft, P. & Rojas Rivero, L.
1/07/11 → …
Project: PhD-project
JPPP research project: A pilot project to prepare for the Urban health systems, shocks and resilience: what can we learn from COVID-19? project
Marchal, B., Polman, K., Van Belle, S., Verdonck, T., Michielsen, J., Nieto Sanchez, C., Everaert, R., van Olmen, J. & Otero, L.
Flemish Government - Department of Economy, Science & Innovation
1/04/22 → 31/03/23
Project: Research Project
FasciCoM: FasciCoM - De wereldwijde opkomst van fascioliasis : ontwikkeling en validatie van een transmissie model om de meest kost-efficiënte controle methodes te bepalen
Polman, K., Dorny, P., Dermauw, V., Polman, K. & Polman, K.
1/01/21 → 31/12/23
Project: Research Project
L’épidémiologie et la lutte contre la schistosomiase au Burundi dans un contexte d’élimination
Bizimana, P., Polman, K., Van Geertruyden, J. & Ortu, G.
3/11/20 → 21/12/21
Project: PhD-project
SchistoSAM: A proof-of-concept trial to evaluate artesunate-mefloquine as a novel alternative treatment for schistosomiasis in African children
Bottieau, E., Polman, K., Van Herrewege, Y., Rosanas-Urgell, A., Mbow, M., Cisse, B. & Bottieau, E.
1/10/18 → 30/01/25
Project: Research Project
Association between intestinal parasites and inflammation and nutritional status in Mexican children
Zavala Gómez, G. A., Polman, K., Seidell, J. & Garcia, O. P.
12/01/17 → 5/04/18
Project: PhD-project
DRC - FA4: Building capacity for health research in three DRC partner institutions Institut National de Recherche Biomédicale (IRNB), Ecole de Santé Publique de l’Université de Lubumbashi (ESP) en Centre de Recherche Sanitaire de Kimpese (CRS), and rationalize the fight against Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) while strengthening local health systems with the support of all partners.
Boelaert, M., Jacobs, J., Büscher, P., Polman, K., Rigouts, L., Dorny, P., Hardy, L., Corsmit, E., Roucher, C., Eddyani, M., Dermauw, V., Bebronne, N., Snijders, R., Inocêncio da Luz, R., Van Cauwenberg, I. & Everaert, R.
Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid
1/01/17 → 31/12/21
Project: Development project
Epidemiology and control of polyparasitism with schistosomiasis, soil-transmitted helminths and Taenia solium infections in rural and co-endemic areas of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Madinga Ntwan, J., Polman, K., Speybroeck, N. & Lutumba, P.
15/01/16 → 19/01/18
Project: PhD-project
Toxocara diagnosis and epidemiology
Morales Yanez, F. J., Polman, K. & Muyldermans, S.
15/01/16 → 5/07/19
Project: PhD-project
The role of intestinal parasite infections in child undernutrition and (change in) body fat in Mozambique
Cossa Moiane, I., Polman, K. & de Deus, N.
1/09/15 → 31/08/19
Project: PhD-project
Nanobody: Nanobody-based proximity ligation assay for human toxocariasis.
Polman, K., Kanobana, K., Muyldermans, S. & Debois, D.
1/01/13 → 31/12/18
Project: Research Project
Schistosomiasis: the role of parasite genetics in human infection and disease
Boon, N., Polman, K. & Volckaert, F.
1/10/12 → 5/07/17
Project: PhD-project
The role of TH17 and regulatory T-cells in the development of schistosoma pathology in Senegal
Mbow, M., Polman, K., Kestens, L., Mboup, S. & Yazdanbakhsh, M.
1/01/12 → 11/04/19
Project: PhD-project
NIDIAG : Syndromic approach to neglected infectious diseases (NID) at primary health care level : an international collaboration on integrated diagnosis-treatment platforms
Boelaert, M., Büscher, P., Jacobs, J., Ravinetto, R., Polman, K., Bottieau, E., Verdonck, T., Barbé, B., van Griensven, J., Hendrickx, D., van Loen, H., Buyze, J., Meheus, F., Paessens, E. & Everaert, R.
1/11/10 → 30/04/16
Project: Research Project
SCHISTO: De invloed van genetische diversiteit in Schistosoma-parasieten op infectie- en ziektepatronen in de mens.
Polman, K. & Desager, S.
1/01/10 → 31/12/15
Project: Research Project
Helminths, nutrition and allergy : untangling the triangle. Epidemiological studies in Cuban children
VAN DER WERFF, S., Polman, K., Twisk, J. W. R., Campos-Ponce, M. & Bonet Gorbea, M.
1/09/07 → 12/05/16
Project: PhD-project
SCHISTOINIR: Novel mechanism in the control of infection and disease
Polman, K. & Desager, S.
1/11/06 → 31/10/10
Project: Research Project