Projects per year
Search results
GroundingEthics: Grounding Ethics in Research on Climate Change and Health: triangulating perspectives of the communities, researchers and ethical committees
Marchal, B., Michielsen, J., Ceballos, K., Kreppel, K., Martinez Abarca, A. L., Srinivas, P. N. & Kochupurackal Ulahannan, S.
11/11/24 → 11/11/25
Project: Research Project
Scabies1: Understanding the increase in scabies cases in Flanders
Colombe, S., Meudec, M., Kreppel, K., Laisnez, V., Dhaeze, W., Cosaert, T., Okeson, P., Brosius, I., de Gooyer, T., Van Bortel, W., Aljadeeah, S., Visser, J. & Stefani, G.
Flemish Government - Agency for Care & Health
1/12/23 → 31/03/25
Project: Research Project
BE-PIN: The Belgian Pandemic Intelligence Network
Hens, N., Ingelbeen, B., van Kleef, E., Beutels, P., Cleynen, E., Domingo, D., Gilbert, M., Stevens, H., Van Bortel, W. & Van Bortel, W.
1/12/23 → 1/03/27
Project: Research Project
Impact evaluation of interventions, addressing spatiotemporal transmission heterogeneity and human mobility, to control arboviruses.
Baldoquín Rodríguez, W., Kreppel, K., Vanlerberghe, V., De Baets, B., Baetens, J. & Romani, T. M. E.
1/07/23 → …
Project: PhD-project
DI-MOB: Improving disease prevention strategies of epidemic spread by integrating socio-spatial characterization of human mobility, environmental typology and mathematical modelling in an urban system of Cuba
Vanlerberghe, V., Vanlerberghe, V., Kreppel, K., Nieto Sanchez, C., Van Damme, E., Dens, S., Eugenia Toledo, M., Perez, D., Peeters, K., Baldoquín Rodríguez, W., Monteagudo Díaz, S., Baetens, J. & Alleman, T.
Flemish Government - Department of Economy, Science & Innovation
1/01/23 → 31/12/26
Project: Research Project
FA5 RD CONGO: Strengthen research and education capacities in the partner institutes (INRB, CRSK, ESP) in DRC (Outcome 1) Support to interruption of transmission of Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) by 2030 (Outcome 2)
Verlé, P., Nicco, E., Van Cauwenberg, I., Rosanas-Urgell, A., Mutsaers, M., de Jong, B., Van Den Abbeele, J., Dermauw, V., Ariën, K., Hauner, A., Monsieurs, P., Van Bortel, W., Van Den Abbeele, J., Van Den Abbeele, J., Kreppel, K., Vanlerberghe, V., Ingelbeen, B., Lepore, L., Inocêncio da Luz, R., Semaan, A., Seghers, C., Polman, K., Katsuva, D., Colombe, S., Benova, L. & Meudec, M.
Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid
1/01/22 → 31/12/26
Project: Development project
NIH-CREID-ECA: Emerging Infectious Diseases Research Center - East and Central Africa
Hasker, E., Vanlerberghe, V., Lepore, L., van Griensven, J., Ariën, K., Kreppel, K. & Vanlerberghe, V.
1/06/20 → 31/05/25
Project: Research Project
ZAB-AA: Beleidsadvies omtrent ‘preventieve maatregelen om verspreiding vanuit een geïmporteerd of autochtoon arbovirose geval te voorkomen’
Vanlerberghe, V., Kreppel, K., Okeson, P., Van Bortel, W., Deblauwe, I. & Van Esbroeck, M.
Flemish Government - Agency for Care & Health
11/04/24 → 30/09/24
Project: Research Project
Dengue in the coastal regions of Tanzania - a ticking time bomb?
Kreppel, K., Kreppel, K. & Sauli, E.
Flemish Government - Department of Economy, Science & Innovation
1/01/23 → 30/09/23
Project: Research Project