Projects per year
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HIMM: Addressing Healthcare Gaps in the Context of Urban Informality and Mobility among Men in Uganda and Zambia
Kielmann, K., Baroudi, M., Ssengooba, F., Simwinga, M., Bukuluki, P., Namakula, J., MacGregor, H., Kisaakye, P., Mackay, H., Hensen, B. & Nöstlinger, C.
1/09/24 → 1/04/25
Project: Research Project
Scabies1: Understanding the increase in scabies cases in Flanders
Colombe, S., Meudec, M., Kreppel, K., Laisnez, V., Dhaeze, W., Cosaert, T., Okeson, P., Brosius, I., de Gooyer, T., Van Bortel, W., Aljadeeah, S., Visser, J. & Stefani, G.
Flemish Government - Agency for Care & Health
1/12/23 → 31/03/25
Project: Research Project
AfyaTek2: Preparing Afya-Tek for Government-Led Scale as part of the National Unified Community System
Sarkar, N., Kielmann, K. & Dillip, A.
1/07/23 → 31/12/25
Project: Research Project
Learning from health workforce development strategies for a resilient health system in the context of recurrent epidemics in Guinea
Kolie, D., Kielmann, K., Van Damme, W., van de Pas, R., van Olmen, J. & Delamou, A.
1/01/23 → …
Project: PhD-project
FA5 RWANDA: Make Rwandan institutes leaders in infectious diseaseprevention, diagnosis and control
Rigouts, L., Rosanas-Urgell, A., Kattenberg, E., de Jong, B., Cuella Martin, I., Mitchell, E., Theunissen, C., Polman, K., Trevisan, C., Ravinetto, R., Roosen, T., de Jong, B. & Rosanas-Urgell, A.
Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid
1/01/22 → 31/12/26
Project: Development project
FA5 RD CONGO: Strengthen research and education capacities in the partner institutes (INRB, CRSK, ESP) in DRC (Outcome 1) Support to interruption of transmission of Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) by 2030 (Outcome 2)
Verlé, P., Nicco, E., Van Cauwenberg, I., Rosanas-Urgell, A., Mutsaers, M., de Jong, B., Van Den Abbeele, J., Dermauw, V., Ariën, K., Hauner, A., Monsieurs, P., Van Bortel, W., Van Den Abbeele, J., Van Den Abbeele, J., Kreppel, K., Vanlerberghe, V., Ingelbeen, B., Lepore, L., Inocêncio da Luz, R., Semaan, A., Seghers, C., Polman, K., Katsuva, D., Colombe, S., Benova, L. & Meudec, M.
Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid
1/01/22 → 31/12/26
Project: Development project
Le renforcement des capacités des équipes cadres des districts sanitaires à l’ère de la réforme de l’administration sanitaire provinciale en République Démocratique du Congo : une évaluation réaliste
Bosongo, S. I., Marchal, B., Criel, B., Coppieters, Y. & Chenge, F.
1/01/21 → …
Project: PhD-project
Primary Health Care improvement in Benin: which model(s) of practice work for First-Line Medical Doctors?
Bello, O. A. K., Criel, B., Apers, L., De Lepeleire, J. & Zannou, M.
1/04/18 → …
Project: PhD-project
Feasibility of patient-centred care approaches at primary health care level in sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Uganda
Waweru, E. W., Criel, B., Broerse, J., Gruénais, M. & Ssengooba, F.
12/01/17 → …
Project: PhD-project
Exclusion from health: withheld citizenship of indigenous people in South India
Soors, W., Criel, B., Wouters, E. & Dierckx, D.
14/07/14 → …
Project: PhD-project
NCDsMedicinesin: NCDsMedicinesinConflict Access to essential medicines at primary health care level in regions affected by conflict: the case of hypertension, diabetes, and epilepsy essential medicines in Northern Syria
Ravinetto, R., Aljadeeah, S. & Kielmann, K.
1/03/23 → 30/04/24
Project: Research Project
jPPP 2023: Adapting Tools to Assess the Influence of Social Networks on Chronic Illness Management (CIM) among non-EU Migrants in Belgium: A Pre-test Study in Antwerp
Kielmann, K., Kielmann, K., Michielsen, J. & Nyefene, M.
Flemish Government - Department of Economy, Science & Innovation
1/01/23 → 31/10/23
Project: Research Project
BASYC: Balancing safety and good care in the context of infectious disease outbreaks: learning health systems for infection prevention and control in Uganda
Kielmann, K., Kielmann, K., Pearson, G., Ssengooba, F., Namakula, J., Seeley, J. & Sarkar, N.
1/08/22 → 31/07/24
Project: Research Project
Optimizing the service delivery of PrEP for HIV prevention in Belgium
Vanhamel, J., Kielmann, K., Vuylsteke, B. & Callens, S.
6/07/22 → 18/09/24
Project: PhD-project
TACKLING COVID: Tackling Covid - Vaccine Hesitancy in Underserved at-Risk Populations Including Persons with BAME Background
Kielmann, K., Kielmann, K., Van Landeghem, E., Kunst, H., Zenner, D. & Griffiths, C.
Queen Mary University of London
1/05/22 → 31/10/24
Project: Research Project
AI-PASS 2: Accord spécifique de coopération relatif à la mise à disposition dexpertise en sante publique de lIMT dans le cadre du projet dAppui Institutionnel au Programme dAppui au Secteur de la Santé en Mauritanie
Ag Ahmed, M. A., Accoe, K., Kielmann, K. & Kielmann, K.
1/12/21 → 30/06/24
Project: Service
L’intégration des soins en santé mentale dans les centres de santé permet-elle d’améliorer la qualité globale des soins de première ligne ?
Sow, A., Criel, B., de Spiegelaere, M. & Mamadou Pathé, D.
3/11/21 → 3/11/21
Project: PhD-project
HSTP-India: Health Systems Transformation India
Criel, B., Ielegems, A., Van Belle, S., Contractor, S. Q., Gautham, S., Marchal, B. & Denerville, G.
1/04/20 → 30/06/21
Project: Research Project
Ontwikkeling tools ongelijkheid en armoede & review strategische nota ongelijkheid Enabel
Criel, B., Soors, W. & Ielegems, A.
6/01/20 → 15/02/20
Project: Service
Advancing the state of patients rights’ enforcement in the public and private health care facilities in South India
Putturaj, M., Marchal, B., Criel, B., Van Belle, S., Krumeich, A., Engel, N., Prakash, B. N. & Prashanth, N.
1/01/20 → 19/12/23
Project: PhD-project
Afya-Tek: People-centered digitized healthcare system: Using technology as a platform to strengthen the continuum of care in Kibaha, Tanzania
Peeters, K., Sarkar, N. & Affun-Adegbulu, C.
1/04/19 → 31/12/22
Project: Research Project
Coordination of Multisectoral Action for Health in Uganda: Mechanisms, Actor Experiences, Motivations and Implications for Policy and Practice
Ssennyonjo, A., Marchal, B., Criel, B., Van Belle, S., Titeca, K. & Ssengooba, F.
1/01/19 → 25/03/24
Project: PhD-project
Non-commercial clinical research in neglected tropical diseases
Goyal, V., Boelaert, M., Ravinetto, R., Christiaens, T. & Rijal, S.
11/07/18 → 31/12/20
Project: PhD-project
Local models for chronic care and self-management support in Southern Malawi
Angwenyi, V., Criel, B., Bunders, J. & Aantjes, C.
12/01/17 → 2/06/20
Project: PhD-project
Improving the performance of health care delivery systems to provide quality care for persons with chronic diseases at the primary level of healthcare in rural Karnataka, India
Lall, D., Criel, B. & Devadasan, N.
1/08/15 → 9/03/22
Project: PhD-project
The challenge of equitable perinatal mental health coverage through local health systems in rural Uganda
Sarkar, N., Criel, B., Bunders - Aelen, J. G. F., Peeters, K. & Bardají, A.
30/04/15 → 22/10/20
Project: PhD-project
Opening the black box of performance-based financing (PBF) in the health sector: a case study on motivation, rent seeking behavior and M&E in Uganda
Renmans, D., Criel, B., Holvoet, N. & Garimoi Orach, C.
30/04/15 → 29/08/18
Project: PhD-project
SPEED: Supporting Policy Engagements for Evidence Based Decisions for Universal Health Coverage in Uganda
Criel, B., Campos da Silveira, V., van de Pas, R. & Ielegems, A.
European Commission - External Actions
1/03/15 → 31/05/20
Project: Research Project
SMART2D: A people-centred approach through Self-Management and Reciprocal learning for the prevention and management of Type-2-Diabetes
Marchal, B., Van Damme, W., van Olmen, J., De Man, J. & Everaert, R.
1/01/15 → 31/12/19
Project: Research Project
RIPSEC: Renforcement Institutionnel pour des Politiques de Santé basées sur l'Evidence en République Démocratique du Congo
Criel, B. & Ielegems, A.
European Commission - External Actions
24/12/14 → 15/11/21
Project: Research Project
How to optimise the involvement of qualified private practioners in Tuberculosis care and control in India: An analysis of Public Private Mix – DOTS in India
Holalkere Yellappa, V., Criel, B. & Devadasan, N.
1/12/12 → 11/11/19
Project: PhD-project
Health Inc: Socially inclusive health care financing in West Africa and India. Financing health care for inclusion
Criel, B. & Everaert, R.
1/05/11 → 31/10/14
Project: Research Project
Developing an appropriate Health Systems Performance Assessment framework in Low Income Countries: the example of sub national assessment in Uganda.
Kirunga Tashobya, C., Criel, B., Macq, J. & Ssengooba, F.
1/10/10 → 27/05/16
Project: PhD-project
Strengthening the role of local health systems to improve chronic disease care for urban poor in India
Bhojani, U. M., Kolsteren, P., Criel, B., De Henauw, S. & Devadasan, N.
1/08/10 → 16/09/16
Project: PhD-project
Management matters: the impact of district level management capacity on health outputs.
Prashanth Nuggehalli, S., Criel, B., Macq, J. & Devadasan, N.
1/01/10 → 21/04/15
Project: PhD-project
Diffusion of evidence and knowledge into health policies and practice at country level: moving from knowledge to practice.
Nabyonga, J., Criel, B., Macq, J. & Ssengooba, F.
1/10/09 → 13/02/15
Project: PhD-project