Projects per year
Personal profile
Research expertise
Bouke de Jong completed her training in clinical infectious diseases at the Universities of Amsterdam, Nevada, and Stanford. Her focus on the molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis in San Francisco brought her to The Gambia, where she developed an interest in TB transmission and the M. tuberculosis complex member Mycobacterium africanum. After an MSc in epidemiology at the Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences and PhD at the University of Amsterdam, Dr. de Jong joined the Division of Infectious Diseases at New York University as Assistant Professor in 2007.
Since 2010 Dr. de Jong heads the Unit of Mycobacteriology at the Institute of Tropical Medicine. Besides tuberculosis, she studies Buruli Ulcer and leprosy, focusing on improved diagnostics and treatment, as well as molecular epidemiological studies on the impact of public health interventions to reduce transmission, for which she was supported by an ERC starting grant. Together with a very capable team she (co)supervises PhD students from different (endemic) countries.
Research lines
- Improved molecular (resistance) diagnostics for leprosy, Buruli ulcer, and tuberculosis
- Phylogeography, phylodynamics, and molecular epidemiology of M. ulcerans, M. tuberculosis, and M. leprae in the context of intervention studies
- Optimized treatment for M. tuberculosis
Education/Academic qualification
Medicine, PhD
Medicine, MD
Epidemiology, MSc
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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Rifampicin-Resistant Tuberculosis Treatment: Improve Safety while Safeguarding Success in Niger
Maman Lawan Sahirou, I., de Jong, B., Decroo, T., Lorent, N. & Ag Doutchi, M.
1/01/25 → …
Project: PhD-project
ZLRM Pakistan: ZeroLeprosyRoadMap Pakistan (2)
Hasker, E., de Jong, B., Braet, S., Cloots, K., de Gooyer, T. & Shih, K.
Deutsche Lepra- und Tuberkulosehilfe
1/11/24 → 31/12/27
Project: Research Project
STARLEP: Contribution of drug-resistance and M. lepromatosis to persistent leprosy transmission in parts of Africa
1/07/24 → 30/06/28
Project: Research Project
ANGELE-2: The contribution of genetic susceptibility factors to the high leprosy incidence in a family from Anjouan, Comoros
de Jong, B., Braet, S., Krausser, L. & Schurr, E.
Flemish Government - Department of Economy, Science & Innovation
16/05/24 → 15/02/25
Project: Research Project
TIFA DRC: Tuberculosis Implementation Framework Agreement
Rigouts, L., Gumusboga, M. & de Jong, B.
United States Agency for International Development
15/02/24 → 14/11/25
Project: Service
Research output
Broth microdilution plate-based minimal inhibitory concentration testing using MGIT-positive cultures
Rupasinghe, P., Vereecken, J., de Jong, B. & Rigouts, L., 23-Jun-2024, p. 81. 81 p.Research output: Contribution to conference › Poster › peer-review
Feasibility and accuracy of mobile QT interval monitoring strategies in bedaquiline-enhanced prophylactic leprosy treatment
Bergeman, AT., Nourdine, S., Piubello, A., Salim, Z., Braet, SM., Baco, A., Grillone, SH., Snijders, R., Hoof, C., Tsoumanis, A., van Loen, H., Assoumani, Y., Mzembaba, A., Ortuño-Gutiérrez, N., Hasker, E., van der Werf, C. & de Jong, BC., 2024, In: Cts-clinical and Translational Science. 17, 8, 7 p., e13861.Research output: Contribution to journal › A1: Web of Science-article › peer-review
Open Access -
Frameshift mutations in the mmpR5 gene can have a bedaquiline-susceptible phenotype by retaining a protein structure and function similar to wild-type Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Snobre, J., Meehan, CJ., Mulders, W., Rigouts, L., Buyl, R., de Jong, BC., Van Rie, A. & Tzfadia, O., 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 15 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › A1: Web of Science-article › peer-review
Open Access -
Phylogenomic and genomic analysis reveals unique and shared genetic signatures of Mycobacterium kansasii complex species
Machado, E., Vasconcellos, S., Gomes, L., Catanho, M., Ramos, J., de Carvalho, L., Goldenberg, T., Redner, P., Caldas, P., Campos, C., Dalcolmo, M., Lourenco, MC., Lasunskaia, E., Mussi, V., Spinasse, L., Vinhas, S., Rigouts, L., Cogneau, S., de Rijk, P., Utpatel, C., & 18 others , 2024, In: Microbial Genomics. 10, 7, 16 p., 001266.Research output: Contribution to journal › A1: Web of Science-article › peer-review
Open Access -
Post-exposure prophylaxis in leprosy (PEOPLE): a cluster randomised trial
Hasker, E., Assoumani, Y., Randrianantoandro, A., Ramboarina, S., Braet, SM., Cauchoix, B., Baco, A., Mzembaba, A., Salim, Z., Amidy, M., Grillone, S., Attoumani, N., Grillone, SH., Ronse, M., Grietens, KP., Rakoto-Andrianarivelo, M., Harinjatovo, H., Supply, P., Snijders, R., Hoof, C., & 8 others , 2024, In: Lancet Global Health. 12, 6, p. e1017-e1026 10 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › A1: Web of Science-article › peer-review
Open Access