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Contemporary challenges in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Pre-Exposure-Prophylaxis care in Belgium
Vanbaelen, T., Kenyon, C., Florence, E. & Verhoeven, V.
15/11/22 → 31/01/24
Project: PhD-project
Understanding and preventing the emergence of antimicrobial resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Laumen, J., Kenyon, C. & Malhotra-Kumar, S.
12/01/21 → 24/02/23
Project: PhD-project
SOFI 2021: PReventing the Emergence of untreatable STIs via radical Prevention
Kenyon, C., Crucitti, T., De Baetselier, I., Florence, E., Soentjens, P., Basil, S. S. & Kenyon, C.
Flemish Government - Department of Economy, Science & Innovation
1/01/21 → 31/12/24
Project: Research Project
GonoScreen: Is screening for gonorrhea and chlamydia cost-effective in reducing the cumulative incidence of these infections in menwho have sex with men taking HIV pre exposure prophylaxis (PrEP): a randomized, multicenter controlled trial
Kenyon, C., Herssens, N., De Hondt, A. & Kenyon, C.
Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre
1/07/20 → 30/06/24
Project: Research Project
Is screening for gonorrhea and chlamydia cost-effective in reducing the cumulative incidence of these infections in men who have sex with men taking HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP): a randomized, multicenter controlled trial
Kenyon, C., Van Herrewege, Y. & Baert, E.
Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre
15/09/19 → 31/08/20
Project: Research Project
Resistance in gonorrhoea
Van Dijck, C., Kenyon, C. & Malhotra-Kumar, S.
3/07/19 → 13/12/22
Project: PhD-project
Improving Sexually Transmitted Infection diagnostics and control among Men who have sex with Men in low-and high-resource settings
De Baetselier, I., Kenyon, C., Vanham, G., Vuylsteke, B. & Crucitti, T.
11/04/19 → 13/09/21
Project: PhD-project
PReGo: Preventing Resistance in Gonorrhoea (PReGo) Study
Kenyon, C., Buyze, J., Crucitti, T., Vuylsteke, B., Yusuf, E., De Wit, S., Pirnay, J., Soentjens, P. & Kenyon, C.
1/10/18 → 30/09/24
Project: Research Project
SeTPAT: Development of an antigen test for the diagnosis of syphilis
Kenyon, C., OSBAK, K., Van Ostade, X., Van Raemdonck, G., Crucitti, T., Büscher, P., Ratsarahery, L. & Dhaenens, M.
1/01/18 → 30/11/20
Project: Research Project
Understanding and preventing the genesis of antibiotic resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Kenyon, C. & Ratsarahery, L.
Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp, Flemish Government - Department of Economy, Science & Innovation
15/10/17 → 13/01/19
Project: Research Project
PrEP: HIV Prevention with Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
Laga, M., Fransen, C., Kenyon, C., Everaert, R. & Reyniers, T.
Agency for Innovation by Science & Technology
1/11/14 → 15/06/18
Project: Research Project
Search for a Treponema pallidum Antigen Test (SeTPAT) project Treponema pallidum-specific proteomic changes in patients with incident syphilis infection: an observation study in Belgium
OSBAK, K., Kenyon, C. & Van Ostade, X.
21/01/14 → 8/12/17
Project: PhD-project
MNSIRSES: Clinical and public health research to improve maternal and newborn health & to control sexually transmitted infections
De Brouwere, V., Kenyon, C. & Everaert, R.
1/01/14 → 15/10/19
Project: Research Project
Emmonsia: An investigation into the geographical distribution, host species, burden of disease and optimal diagnosis and treatment of Emmonsia hoerikwaggiana infections.
Colebunders, R., Büscher, P., Kenyon, C., Vismer, H. F., Leirs, H., Govender, N. P., Bamford, C., Borman, A. M., Dlamini, S. & Ratsarahery, L.
1/01/14 → 31/12/19
Project: Research Project
SeTPAT: A Directed Search for a Treponema pallidum Antigen Test
Kenyon, C., Büscher, P., Kestens, L., Ravinetto, R., Van Ostade, X. & Ratsarahery, L.
Flemish Government - Department of Economy, Science & Innovation
1/07/13 → 28/02/19
Project: Research Project
ESAHIVCOINFRES: European and South African HIV co-infection research consortium
Kenyon, C., Meehan, C. & Sy, H.
1/11/11 → 31/10/15
Project: Research Project