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Metatropics: Clinical research platform for untargeted RNA virus detection in tropical fever patient populations: construction and application
Vercauteren, K., Selhorst, P., Ariën, K., Van Esbroeck, M. & Vercauteren, K.
Flemish Government - Department of Economy, Science & Innovation
1/01/21 → 31/12/25
Project: Research Project
ZAB-AA: Beleidsadvies omtrent ‘preventieve maatregelen om verspreiding vanuit een geïmporteerd of autochtoon arbovirose geval te voorkomen’
Vanlerberghe, V., Kreppel, K., Okeson, P., Van Bortel, W., Deblauwe, I. & Van Esbroeck, M.
Flemish Government - Agency for Care & Health
11/04/24 → 30/09/24
Project: Research Project
ARTHROPOD: Development of specific and highly sensitive mulit-pathogen laboratory tests for the simultaneous and differential detection of arthropod-borne viruses
Ariën, K., Kerkhof, K., Van Esbroeck, M. & Janssens, N.
Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship
1/08/17 → 31/03/21
Project: Research Project
New tools for diagnosis and management of febrile illness in travelers to the tropics: a cohort study
Huits, R., Bottieau, E., Jacobs, J., Van Esbroeck, M. & Cnops, L.
15/01/16 → 1/02/19
Project: PhD-project