Project Details


Capacity building in combining targeted prevention with meaningful HIV surveillance among MSM

1. Evidence for MSM prevention campaigns and for effective epidemiological surveillance according to local contexts based on:
- formative research that will give:
* a picture of the gay scene in each participating country, through a mapping of gay venues, allowing to improve the heterogeneity of the MSM sample
* an insight of prevention needs and an overview of existing preventive campaigns and initiatives as well as of the gaps with respect to HIV/STI prevention
- the improved capacity of public health institutions and gay NGOs in using new sampling methods for collecting sero behavioral data among hard to reach MSM in future surveys
- the estimation of HIV STI prevalence and of the undiagnosed infections in the MSM population
- the estimation of HIV incidence in countries where the RDS method is adopted and a serum sample taken, allowing to calculate the avidity index and estimate the proportion of new infections
- detailed knowledge of the heterogeneity of prevention needs
- the improved capacity of laboratories of participating countries to use oral fluid samples for HIV epidemiological surveillance
2. Increased comparability of data in E.U. and neighboring countries through the use of common indicators (ECDC and UNGASS)and methodologies
3. Implementation of effective public health strategies and policies in areas of high need contributing to the reduction of health inequalities among EU Member States (information on the dynamics of HIV/STI transmission among MSM, particularly lacking in Eastern European and neighboring countries,is highly needed to orientate preventive actions in these countries)
4. The strengthening of a wide network including international (UNAIDS WHO)European (ECDC)organizations,National public health institutes and Civil Society (gay NGOs)
5. Development of culturally sensitive HIV/STI prevention policies for high risk populations
AcronymSialon II
Effective start/end date1/11/1131/01/15


  • European Commission - Executive Agency for Health & Consumers: €90,916.12


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