Community-based ART in sub-Saharan Africa: lessons learnt from Community ART Groups in Tete province, Mozambique

  • Decroo, Tom (PhD Student)
  • Laga, Marie (Promotor)
  • Colebunders, Bob (Promotor)

Project Details


General objective
The overall aim of this thesis is to document whether and how community-based ART can improve retention on ART in Mozambique, and assess whether there is a potential for community-based ART in other high HIV prevalence settings of the sub-Saharan region.
Specific objectives
a) To describe the health system bottlenecks of decentralized HIV care in community embedded health facilities in Tete, Mozambique
b) To describe the CAG model, as it was implemented in Tete, Mozambique, and study its early and long-term results
c) To study if participation in CAG in Tete, Mozambique, had additional spin-offs for adherence to mother and child health services
d) To describe how CAG piloted in Tete nurtured a national strategy in Mozambique
e) To describe the model and study the outcomes of CAG in Nazareth, Lesotho
f) To study effectiveness, cost and acceptability of community-based ART care for
sub-Saharan Africa through a review of published literature, and make recommendations for the future of community-based HIV care in Sub-Saharan Africa
Effective start/end date14/10/1516/06/17

IWETO expertise domain

  • B680-public-health


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