Contribute to the capacity building of the Maferinyah Center in the organization of continuing (medical) training and research in Guinea.

  • Van Damme, Wim (Promotor)
  • van de Put, Willem (Researcher)
  • Delvaux, Thérèse (Researcher)
  • Everaert, Renilde (Administrator)

Project Details


The Maferinyah Center was created in 1985 by the Guinean Ministry of Health and has the following mission:
(i) to develop an enabling environment for the provision of quality services and care to the population;
ii) to participate in the ongoing training of health human resources and initial training and practice of students of the Faculty of Medicine and health professional schools;
(iii) to undertake research in the socio-economic and health fields.
In five years, with the support of the Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp, our vision is to gradually become a credible national and regional reference center in the fields of research and continuing education of health professionals in Guinea.
This program will achieve the following results:
Result 1: The center is able to fulfill its mandate as a national training center for health human resources in Guinea;
Result 2: Research capacity of the Maferinyah Center is strengthened;
Result 3: The scientific and management capacities of the center are strengthened.
AcronymGUINEE - FA4
Effective start/end date1/01/1731/12/21


  • Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid: €317,055.55
  • Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid: €228,273.30
  • Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid: €227,060.17


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