Development of a high-throughput inhibition ELISA to replace immune trypanolysis for post-elimination monitoring of gambiense-HAT

  • Büscher, Philippe (Promotor)
  • Geerts, Manon (Researcher)
  • Van Reet, Nick (Researcher)
  • De Smet, Sieglinde (Administrator)

    Project Details


    Support the delivery of the proof-of-concept for the replacement of the current reference test by an alternative test, the gambiense-iELISA. If it is shown that this test can successfully replace the immune trypanolysis test, it will be pivotal in post-elimination monitoring to avoid re-emergence of gambiense-HAT. It will also drastically reduce the use of laboratory animals and will be applicable in national and regional reference laboratories in Africa.
    AcronymiELISA HAT
    Effective start/end date25/07/1731/12/18