Epidemiological study and molecular characterization of non-tsetse transmitted trypanosomes in Ethiopia: understanding the importance of mechanical versus cyclical transmission in control strategies.

  • Gari, Fikru Regassa (PhD Student)
  • Büscher, Philippe (Promotor)
  • Goddeeris, Bruno Maria (Promotor)
  • Merga, Bekana (Promotor)

Project Details


Ethiopia is not benefiting from its livestock to its full potential due to trypanosomosis. The previous preliminary epidemiological study on animal trypanosomosis in Ethiopia used less sensitive diagnostic tests and restricts the importance of trypanosomosis to the tsetse transmitted trypanosome in the south-western part of the country recommending tsetse eradication to control trypanosomosis however the importance of non-tsetse transmitted trypanosomes has not been addressed. Likewise, molecular characterization of these trypanosomes particularly for T. vivax has not been achieved. Therefore, the objectives are to assess prevalence of animal trypanosomes with emphasis on T. evansi and T. vivax, in tsetse-infested and tsetse-free areas of Ethiopia using molecular tools; compare isolates of T. vivax collected in tsetse-infested and tsetse-free areas and compare genotypes collected within and between areas in Ethiopia between genotypes prevailing in Latin America; and compare transmissibility by tsetse of T. vivax isolates collected in a tsetse-free and tsetse-infested zone of Ethiopia; the information thus obtained will help to determine if strains really are more adapted to transmission by non-tsetse biting flies and vice versa and speculate on the success of tsetse eradication for animal trypanosomosis control so that effective integrated animal trypanosomosis control will be launched.
Effective start/end date1/07/1017/04/15

IWETO expertise domain

  • B780-tropical-medicine