European Network for Arthropod Vector Surveillance for Human Public Health

    Project Details


    The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) was established by the European Parliament and Council Regulation 851/2004 to identify, assess, and communicate current and emerging threats to human health from communicable diseases.

    The ECDC mandate is to strengthen the capacity of the EU (27 member states and including EEA/EFTA countries Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway) for the prevention and control of infectious diseases. Vector-borne diseases are a specific group of infections that represent an emerging (or re-emerging) threat to Europe, requiring particular attention. The continuous increase of international travel is one important risk factor for the importation of new pathogens on the continent, as is the extensive travel between mainland European overseas territories. The now generally recognized ongoing changes in global climate may enhance the probability of previously absent vectors appearing in Europe, or the further spread of vectors previously present in only limited numbers. These could contribute to an increased risk for authochthonous vector-borne disease transmission, representing a threat for outbreaks and the health of European citizens.


    Effective start/end date9/09/0915/02/13


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