Health System stewardship and regulation in Vietnam, India and China

  • Unger, Jean-Pierre (Promotor)
  • Van Dessel, Patrick (Copromotor)
  • Everaert, Renilde (Administrator)
  • QIAN, Xu (Partner)
  • Devadasan, Narayanan (Partner)
  • MUKHOPADHYAY, Maitrayee (Partner)
  • BROWNRIDGE, Kathy (Coordinator)
  • LE VU, Anh (Partner)
  • Everaert, Renilde (Administrator)

Project Details


HESVIC investigated regulation as it relates to wider governance of health systems in the area of maternal health in Vietnam, India and China in policy and practice. The project developed an integrated approach to governance and regulation in the area of maternal health in the three countries, seeking to support policy decisions in the application and extension of principles of accessibility, affordability, equity and quality coverage of health care. Specific objectives Research-related objectives were: 1. to examine the application of international standards in governance and regulation of maternal health activities - to the extent that such standards exist; 2. to develop a typology of private and public practitioners involved in maternal health in the three study countries; 3. to outline national standards for governance and regulation of maternal health activities in the three study countries; 4. to explore the effects of governance and regulation of maternal health care, services and systems on equitable access to quality maternal health care, within and across each study country; 5. to disseminate the results and recommendations widely to the government and other key health sector stakeholders in the three study countries and to the professional/scientific community. Other objectives: 1. to enhance the capacity of the partner research institutions in health systems research 2. to increase sustainable collaboration between the Consortium partners.
Effective start/end date1/07/0931/12/12


  • European Commission: €679,227.73


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