How to optimise the PrEP roll-out and HIV prevention among female sex workers in Burkina Faso?

Project Details


Oral Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) entails the preventive use of antiretroviral medication by HIV negative individuals. PrEP can be a game-changer for HIV prevention among female sex workers (FSWs) in West Africa. However, it remains unclear to what extent it can be effectively implemented to reach these communities. Since July 2021 oral PrEP is available for FSWs in Burkina Faso, but uptake and persistent use is extremely low. In this research project we will investigate how we can improve PrEP uptake and persistent use via community-led approaches, while implementing and improving a national PrEP surveillance system. We will conduct formative research and a respondent-driven sampling survey to better understand the needs of FSWs in Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso. Together with these communities we will co-develop and implement interventions to increase PrEP uptake among eligible FSWs by 150%, and ensure that at least 75% remains in PrEP care after 12 months. If successful, this project will be a game-changer towards a sustainable strategy for scaling up and monitoring of PrEP use among FSWs in Burkina Faso, enabling a continuous evaluation and improvement of its roll-out. The project will lead to novel insights for tailoring PrEP delivery to the needs of FSWs in Burkina Faso, state-of-the-art recommendations for strengthening the community response to the HIV epidemic and ultimately reduced HIV incidence.

Layman's description

Oral Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) entails the preventive use of antiretroviral medication by HIV negative individuals. PrEP can be a game-changer for HIV prevention among female sex workers (FSWs) in West Africa. However, it remains unclear to what extent it can be effectively implemented to reach these communities. Since July 2021 oral PrEP is available for FSWs in Burkina Faso, but uptake and persistent use is extremely low. In this research project we will investigate how we can improve PrEP uptake and persistent use via community-led approaches, while implementing and improving a national PrEP surveillance system. We will conduct formative research and a respondent-driven sampling survey to better understand the needs of FSWs in Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso. Together with these communities we will co-develop and implement interventions to increase PrEP uptake among eligible FSWs by 150%, and ensure that at least 75% remains in PrEP care after 12 months. If successful, this project will be a game-changer towards a sustainable strategy for scaling up and monitoring of PrEP use among FSWs in Burkina Faso, enabling a continuous evaluation and improvement of its roll-out. The project will lead to novel insights for tailoring PrEP delivery to the needs of FSWs in Burkina Faso, state-of-the-art recommendations for strengthening the community response to the HIV epidemic and ultimately reduced HIV incidence.
Effective start/end date1/01/2331/12/26


  • Flemish Government - Department of Economy, Science & Innovation: €599,933.37