Implementatie en procesevaluatie van alternatieve technieken om de verspreiding van de tijgermug (Aedes albopictus) tegen te gaan in Wilrijk: pilootstudie

Project Details


Wilrijk (Antwerp, Belgium) currently has an established population of Aedes albopictus, a species with the potential to spread diseases such as dengue, chikungunya and Zika. The local spread of this mosquito species is already evident and it is very likely that Aedes albopictus will spread further within Wilrijk and possibly to other areas in Flanders and Belgium. Currently, the main control method is door-to-door application of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti), a biological control agent used to kill mosquito larvae. However, this method has not proved adequate or sustainable in the long term. It is therefore necessary to explore alternative control strategies that are more effective and sustainable. One such alternative is mass trapping of adult mosquitoes combined with larval source reduction. This strategy has the potential to significantly reduce mosquito populations by targeting the different stages of the mosquito life cycle and can be used to complement or perhaps even replace current control measures.

Effective start/end date1/02/2531/01/26


  • Flemish Government - Agency for Nature and Forest