Improving uptake of Evidence-informed Health Policies in Guinea

Project Details


In the Guinea '22-'26 programme we aim to increase the uptake of evidence informed policies in the health sector inGuinea. Having evidence-based health policies accepted and applied by important stakeholders contributes to the realization of the SDG on health (SDG3). The approach focuses on higher education (Output – OP1-SDG 4.3) andresearch (OP2) and builds the institutional capacity of the two partner institutions, CNFRSR Maferinyah and CEA-PCMT(OP3). ITM worked with partner Maferinyah in the last five years (2017-2021), and we now build on the lessons learned andinclude a second partner, CEA-PCMT, which was created partly by the activities in the first five years. Institutionalcapacity strengthening includes attention for resource development by the institutions to create sustainable ‘driversof change’ – that capacity is a combination of self-reliant and sustainable institutions that have optimal technical andeducational skills as well as the skills it takes for getting research into policy and practice (GRIPP). The programmeincludes a specific work package on GRIPP (OP4). The prime beneficiaries of the program are clearly the population of Guinea as such, with a focus on the mostvulnerable groups among the women. Therefore, our partners identified the most relevant policy areas to make surethat we aim for policies affecting these groups (applying the principles of Leaving No One Behind (LNOB)). Research is hence done to provide the evidence based on febrile illness, sexual and reproductive health and healthsystem aspects such as accessibility and affordability of well-staffed health services. Training includes MPH and PHDtrajectories to strengthen individual capacities to act as agents of change. Research results are also applied in servicedelivery programs by the various actor in the health arena – government, private practice, and NGO projects. Theprogram activities focus on equity, gender balance, and improved capacity to reach the SDGs.
Short titleFA5 GUINEA
Effective start/end date1/01/2231/12/26


  • Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid: €1,730,724.93