Postnatal care provision after facility birth in two sub-Saharan African countries: A mixed methods study

Project Details


Maternal mortality ratios (MMR) in Tanzania and Guinea remain some of the highest in the world, estimated at 524 and 576 deaths per 100,000 livebirths, respectively, in 2017. Almost half of women do not get checked after giving birth in a facility in Tanzania, and three-quarters of women are discharged in less than 6 hours in Guinea. The majority of maternal deaths occur in the postnatal period and the provision of timely and high quality postnatal care can prevent thousands of deaths in low-resource settings. The overall aim of this project is to generate empirical evidence that will inform recommendations and guidelines to minimise the risk of preventable maternal deaths in the postnatal period. This will be achieved by identifying gaps in, barriers and facilitators to the provision and utilisation of quality postnatal care in health facilities in two lowresource settings. The overall project will study the situation in Tanzania and Guinea using mixed-methods, and includes five main components. Fieldwork and data collection activities will be conducted in Muhimbili National Hospital, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and in rural healthcare centers in Forécariah district, Guinea. The five components are: 1) Analysis of publicly available data from the Demographic Health Survey and health facility assessment surveys (SARA1 and SPA2 ); 2) Analysis of de-identified data from routinely collected medical records of women who give birth in the selected health facilities; 3) Observations of the provision of postnatal care in the in the postnatal wards/rooms of the selected facilities; 4) Semi-structured interviews with 5-7 healthcare providers who work in the health facilities; and 5) Semi-structured interviews with 15-20 women who give birth in the selected facilities. Triangulation of the data from the four sources will occur at the analysis phase to be able to generate a comprehensive understanding of the multilevel factors (micro, meso, macro) that influence postnatal care provision and utilisation. The protocol will be reviewed and approved by relevant institutional review boards.
Effective start/end date27/04/22 → …


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