Project Details
Despite progress in malaria control worldwide has been substantial especially over the last 10 years in the Greater Mekong Sub-region by using Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) and Indoor Residual Spraying, malaria transmission is still occurring in remote forested foci due to residual transmission. Indeed the risk of being bitten by infected mosquitoes during the evening activities is relatively high. The Malaria Residual Transmission (MalaResT) project aims to evaluate the additional effectiveness of the mass use of an effective and safe topical repellent in addition to ITNs in controlling residual malaria transmission. This PhD thesis will use malaria incidence data from the MalaResT project as reported by village malaria workers (VMWs) and public health facilities (HFs). The malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) used by VMWs and HFs for reporting of incidence will be checked by PCR for estimating sensitivity and specificity of the test. Malaria incidence will be analyzed in relation to repellent use and repellent use will be analyzed in relation to socio-economic data. Repellent use and adverse events are recorded by completing household data sheets (HDSs) during repellent distribution. The impact of health education campaigns will be assessed. This PhD thesis will raise evidence on the effectiveness of the new tools and strategies dealing with malaria residual transmission. Doing so we hope to contribute to speeding up the malaria elimination goal of the countries toward worldwide malaria eradication. As Filed Coordinator of the project I will be responsible to organize the distribution of the repellents, to follow up VMW and the HFs, to organize the surveys.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/10/13 → 27/04/17 |
IWETO expertise domain
- B780-tropical-medicine
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