Scale-Up an integrated care package for diaBetes and hYpertension for vulnerable people in Cambodia, Slovenia and Belgium

  • Danhieux, Katrien (PhD Student)
  • Van Damme, Wim (Promotor)
  • van Olmen, Josefien (Copromotor)
  • van Olmen, Josefien (Copromotor)
  • Remmen, Roy (Promotor)
  • Wouters, Edwin (Promotor)

Project Details


Diabetes and hypertension are increasingly dominant in the global burden of disease. Effective interventions for prevention, detection, treatment and control of both conditions are available, but do not reach all people in need. Countries are struggling how to scale-up interventions sustainably and effectively. There is an urgent need to develop and document strategies on how to do so. This PhD project is part of a multi-country research project. The overall project examines the scale-up of existing evidence-based packages for control of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and/or hypertension (HT) with five components: (a) identification of people with HT and/or T2D (b) treatment in primary care services (c) health education (d) self-management support to patients and caregivers (e) collaboration among caregivers. The project develops, implements and evaluates roadmaps for the national scale-up of this package, in three different countries: Cambodia, Slovenia and Belgium.
The research objectives are:
1) to analyse the organisational capacity to scale-up the integrated care package and to assess contextual barriers and facilitators;
2) to develop and implement roadmaps for a national scale-up strategy in each country;
3) to evaluate the impact of scale-up on health outcomes and costs;
4) to generate lessons for other countries.
The target population in Belgium will be vulnerable populations, defined as ‘people suffering from T2D or HT, who have socio-economic or health-related problems affecting their self-management capacity’. In practice, this will include people
(a) who are of old age with multiple morbidities,
(b) poor people (identified through their social statute, for instance receiving social security benefits related to income level) and/or
(c) people from minority groups.
Effective start/end date3/07/199/01/25

IWETO expertise domain

  • B680-public-health


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