Syndromic approach to neglected infectious diseases (NID) at primary health care level : an international collaboration on integrated diagnosis-treatment platforms

Project Details


The aim of this project is to bridge the gap between existing technological innovation in diagnostics and clinical care practice for NID in resource-poor settings. The specific objectives are to develop simple, cost-effective diagnosis-treatment algorithms for three NID-related clinical syndromes: the persistent fever, the neurological and the digestive syndromes. Evidence-based algorithms for the primary care level will be designed with a patient-centred approach, following guidance from DEC stakeholders and making the best possible use of existing assays and treatments. Relevant diagnostic technology and diagnostic platforms will be introduced according to the specific epidemiological contexts in Africa and South-Asia. Objective 1- To develop and validate an integrated syndromic approach based on diagnosistreatment algorithms for three clinical syndromes that include both neglected and non-neglected diseases frequently encountered in primary care settings. Objective 2- To develop novel diagnostic platforms/assays tailored to specific epidemiological contexts at primary care level in NID-endemic settings. Objective 3- To document the cost-savings and increased efficacy of this integrated syndromic approach for the clinical management of NID, and produce recommendations to policy makers for its broad implementation.
Effective start/end date1/11/1030/04/16


  • European Commission: €4,442,329.23


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