Challenges in conducting efficacy trials for new COVID-19 vaccines in developed countries

R Dal-Ré, E Bottieau, O Launay, FR Rosendaal, B Schwarzer-Daum

Research output: Contribution to journalA1: Web of Science-articlepeer-review


The protection from COVID-19 vaccination wanes a few months post-administration of the primary vaccination series or booster doses. New COVID-19 vaccine candidates aiming to help control COVID-19 should show long-term efficacy, allowing a possible annual administration. Until correlates of protection are strongly associated with long-term protection, it has been suggested that any new COVID-19 vaccine candidate must demonstrate at least 75% efficacy (although a 40%–60% efficacy would be sufficient) at 12 months in preventing illness in all age groups within a large randomized controlled efficacy trial. This article discusses four of the many scientific, ethical, and operational challenges that these trials will face in developed countries, focusing on a pivotal trial in adults. These challenges are (1) the comparator and trial population; (2) how to enroll sufficient numbers of adult participants of all age groups considering that countries will recommend COVID-19 booster doses to different populations; (3) whether having access to a comparator booster for the trial is actually feasible; and (4) the changing epidemiology of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 across countries involved in the trial. It is desirable that regulatory agencies publish guidance on the requirements that a trial like the one discussed should comply with to be acceptable from a regulatory standpoint. Ideally, this should happen even before there is a vaccine candidate that could fulfill the requirements mentioned above, as it would allow an open discussion among all stakeholders on its appropriateness and feasibility.0
Original languageEnglish
JournalClinical Trials
Number of pages5
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 2024


  • COVID-19
  • Booster vaccines
  • Long protection
  • Mild illness
  • Pivotal trial
  • Trial design


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