Epidemiology and surveillance of human (neuro)cysticercosis in Europe: is enhanced surveillance required?

Annette Abraham, Veronika Schmidt, Miriam Kaminski, Dominik Stelzle, Robert De Meijere, Javier Bustos, Priyadarshi Soumyaranjan Sahu, Hector Hugo Garcia, Branko Bobić, Carmen Cretu, Peter Chiodini, Gunita Deksne, Veronique Dermauw, Brecht Devleesschauwer, Pierre Dorny, Ana Fonseca, Sarah Gabriël, Maria Ángeles Gómez Morales, István Kucsera, Minerva Laranjo-GonzálezChiara Trevisan, Manuela Vilhena, Naomi F Walker, Lorenzo Zammarchi, Andrea Sylvia Winkler

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    OBJECTIVES: To report on relevant national surveillance systems of (N)CC and taeniasis (the infection with the adult tapeworm) in the European Union/European Economic Area and to assess the magnitude of (N)CC occurrence by retrieving information on cases for the period 2000-2016.

    METHODS: (N)CC cases were retrieved via national reporting systems, a systematic literature search, contact with clinicians and a search for relevant 'International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems' (ICD)-based data.

    RESULTS: Mandatory notification systems for (N)CC were found in Hungary, Iceland and Poland. Ten cases were reported in Poland and none in Hungary and Iceland. Through the systematic literature review and information given by clinicians, 263 individual and 721 aggregated (N)CC cases from 19 European countries were identified. ICD-based data were obtained from five countries. From 2000 to 2016, a total of 3489 cases (N)CC cases were coded: 832 in Italy, eight in Latvia, 357 in Portugal, 2116 in Spain and 176 in Sweden.

    CONCLUSION: Despite being classified as a possible eradicable disease, (N)CC is still diagnosed across Europe, yet its true extent and impact remain unclear.

    Original languageEnglish
    JournalTropical Medicine and International Health
    Issue number5
    Pages (from-to)566-578
    Number of pages13
    Publication statusPublished - 2020


    • Cysticercosis/epidemiology
    • Europe/epidemiology
    • Humans
    • Mandatory Reporting
    • Population Surveillance


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