Evaluation study of the urban governance of the COVID-19 crisis in the city of Antwerp

M Bracke, J Molenaar, A Colliers, B Marchal, D Sanders, S Van Belle, L Van Praag, J van Olmen

Research output: Contribution to journalA1: Web of Science-articlepeer-review


The COVID-19 pandemic has demanded crisis management at all governance levels. While most research has focused on responses of national governments, city-level governance had significant potential to develop tailored approaches. This study explored how the local COVID-19 response was organised and adapted to the specific city population and context in the City of Antwerp, Belgium.

A case study using semi-structured interviews was set up with 20 key informants with a central role in the coordination and implementation of the city-level COVID-19 response in Antwerp. Thematic analysis of transcripts was guided by an adapted version of the OECD risk management cycle.

Respondents’ accounts provide a granular understanding of pandemic preparedness, crisis management, and response and adaptation to the COVID-19 crisis in a mid-size European city. Its size was large enough to have a strong capacity within its government bodies, to utilise the expertise of strong partners in the area and to mobilise a critical mass for action, yet small enough to quickly establish connections and trust. In addition to a universal approach, they developed tailored responses to specific neighbourhoods and groups. Well-established community and organisational ties enhanced the effectiveness of grassroots initiatives. The perceived feeling of joint action contributed to a strong collective agency, but respondents noted the need for a system for monitoring and learning.

Local governments are important to develop tailored strategies and organise a locally relevant crisis response in cities. They need expertise and agency, with enough flexibility to experiment. To harness promising practices and avoid repeating errors in future crises, it is crucial to develop a system that better evaluates and monitors local responses, before, during and after crises.
Original languageEnglish
JournalBMC Public Health
Issue number1
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • COVID-19 pandemic
  • Crisis
  • Local government
  • Primary care zone
  • Risk management cycle
  • Urban governance

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