Importance et répartition de la réponse sérologique de l'ornithose-psittacose chez les pigeons semi-domestiques

MC Henry, F Hebrant, JB Jadin

Research output: Contribution to journalA2: International peer reviewed article (not A1-type)peer-review


Ornithosis-psittacosis is a widely distributed disease in birds throughout the world. A serological study by the complement-fixation test and a few isolation of Chlamyqia were performed on feral pigeon population of Antwerpen city. The incidence of positive cases in Antwerpen averages 58.51 %. For each serum, a serological index (S. I.) was calculated with regard to the intensity of immunological response in different dilutions: S. I. seems to suggest an endemic status of the disease in Antwerpen. Evolution in time of the prevalence and the serological response shows the presence of two peaks: the first one in spring and the last one in summer. This might be explained by some factors influencing the transmission of the infection: between them, one must emphasize the pigeons habits and the ectoparasites.
Original languageFrench
JournalBulletin de la Société de Pathologie Exotique et de ses Filiales
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)144-151
Publication statusPublished - 1977


  • B780-tropical-medicine
  • Animal diseases
  • Ornithosis
  • Psittacosis
  • Pigeons
  • Incidence
  • Serology
  • Endemicity
  • Belgium
  • Europe-West

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