Innovations in TB Data Quality: An M&E Workshop Facilitator Guide

E.M.H. Mitchell, S. Cloutier, C. Moodie, R. Ochola, N. Persaud, E. Bloss, I. Huitema

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) are critical to measuring and reporting on the success of National TB (Tuberculosis) Programs (NTPs) and the TB CARE I/II projects. While governments and donors are placing greater emphasis on results, at the country level, greater attention is being paid to the use of data for improving patient care and enhancing program management. In order to ensure that adequate capacity exists to meet the increasingly stringent M&E requirements, this course was designed to build the capacity of M&E Officers of NTPs and technical partners. This course has three over-arching themes. They are to avoid, detect, and fix data quality problems. These three themes seamlessly map onto the three tracks of our TB work, which is to prevent, diagnose, and treat TB
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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