title = "Les infections mycotiques cons{\'e}cutives {\`a} l'antibioth{\'e}rapie",
keywords = "B780-tropical-medicine, Mycoses, Treatment, Antibiotics",
author = "R Vanbreuseghem",
note = "This item can be obtained at the ITG Library counter",
year = "1958",
language = "French",
pages = "189--210",
editor = "M Welsch and P Dustin and J Dagn{\'e}lie",
booktitle = "Huit colloques de biologie clinique pr{\'e}sent{\'e}s au 3e Congr{\`e}s International de Biologie Clinique, Bruxelles, juillet 1957",
publisher = "Presses Acad{\'e}miques Europ{\'e}ennes",