Les tests d'agglutination pour le sérodiagnostic de l'infection à Trypanosoma brucei gambiense: bilan et perspectives

Translated title of the contribution: Agglutionation tests for the serodiagnosis of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense infections: state of the art and perspectives.

N Van Meirvenne, E Magnus, P Büscher, R Pansaerts

Research output: Contribution to journalA2: International peer reviewed article (not A1-type)peer-review

Translated title of the contributionAgglutionation tests for the serodiagnosis of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense infections: state of the art and perspectives.
Original languageFrench
JournalBulletin de Liaison et de Documentation OCEAC
Pages (from-to)193
Publication statusPublished - 1995


  • B780-tropical-medicine
  • Protozoal diseases
  • Trypanosomiasis
  • Serology
  • Laboratory
  • Agglutination
  • PAT
  • CATT

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