title = "Morphologie coquilli{\`e}re, croissance, reproduction & estivation chez les escargots g{\'e}ants africains; observations au laboratoire sur Archachatina marginata suturalis, Achatina achatina et Achatina fulica",
abstract = "This dissertation can be obtained at the ITG Library counter",
keywords = "B780-tropical-medicine, Zoology, Snails, Giant snails, Archachatina, Achatina, Animal husbandry, Breeding",
author = "C Sti{\'e}venart",
note = "Th{\`e}se pr{\'e}sent{\'e}e pour l'obtention du grade de Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) en Production Animale Tropicale",
year = "1996",
language = "French",
series = "IMTA - Th{\`e}se de Ph.D.; 5",
publisher = "Institut de M{\'e}decine Tropicale Prince Leopold, D{\'e}partement de Production et Sant{\'e} Animales Tropicales",
address = "Belgium",