Motivaçao e satisfaçao com o trabalho e o impactor da epidemia da infecçao por VIH em profissionais de saúde na provincía de Tete, Moçambique

M Sidat, B Chilundo, F Abacassamo, O Matavel, F Mbofana, M Cussimbua, B Idiong, D Van der Roost

Research output: Contribution to journalA2: International peer reviewed article (not A1-type)peer-review


This study intended to assess the level of motivation and degree of satisfaction of public sector health professionals from Tete Province before the introduction, in a pilot multi-institutional initiative, of a set of incentives. So, in February of 2008, using criteria of convenience and accessibility, several Health Units were visited in different areas (urban and rural) of Tete Province, namely: Tete City, Changara, Moatize, Angónia and Songo. Forty two health workers participated in this study, filling first individual questionnaires (anonymous) and subsequently participating in a focus group (total of seven). The questionnaire included a mix of closed and open-ended questions for the purpose of assessing health professionals' level of motivation and satisfaction. The data obtained through the questionnaires were summarized to facilitate their posterior coding and insertion in a database to allow a statistical descriptive analysis. The content of the focus group was analysed searching for trends and/or patterns of opinions, experiences, ideas or perceptions expressed by the participants. In a general way, workers are motivated for their jobs and satisfied with their supervisors ('bosses'), their colleagues and with their employer. Meanwhile, the study also shows the existence of some dissatisfaction related to the current process of career promotion and progression, and to the present salaries and package of subsidies and incentives.
Original languageOther
JournalRevista Médica de Moçambique
Issue numberSupl.
Pages (from-to)27-32
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2010


  • B780-tropical-medicine
  • Public health services
  • Public sector
  • Health personnel
  • Assessment
  • Motivation
  • Job satisfaction
  • Working place
  • Perceptions
  • Career mobility
  • Career development
  • Salaries
  • Incentives
  • Mozambique
  • Africa-Southern

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