title = "Participaci{\'o}n e intersectorialidad en la planificaci{\'o}n, implementaci{\'o}n y evaluaci{\'o}n de intervenciones en salud en Cuba",
keywords = "Health systems, National, Health interventions, Participation, Intersectoral collaboration, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation, Decision making, Cuba, Caribbean, America-Latin",
author = "{Sosa Lorenzo}, I. and {Rodriguez Salv{\'a}}, A. and {Abreu Gonz{\'a}lez}, I. and {Alvarez P{\'e}rez}, A. and {Bonet Gorbea}, M. and P. Lef{\`e}vre and {De Vos}, P. and {Van der Stuyft}, P.",
note = "ITG-H6A; ITG-H7A; ITG-HLA; DPH; U-ECTB; E-only; PDF; DSPACE",
year = "2012",
language = "Spanish",
booktitle = "Cuba Salud 2012: convenci{\'o}n internacional de salud p{\'u}blica, 3 - 7 diciembre 2012, La Habana, Cuba",
publisher = "[s.n.]",