Prioritizing COVID-19 vaccine allocation in resource poor settings: towards an Artificial Intelligence-enabled and Geospatial-assisted decision support framework

Soheil Shayegh, Javier Andreu-Perez, Caroline Akoth, Xavier Bosch-Capblanch, Shouro Dasgupta, Giacomo Falchetta, Simon Gregson, Ahmed T Hammad, Mark Herringer, Festus Kapkea, Alvaro Labella, Luca Lisciotto, Luis Martínez, Peter Macharia, Paulina Morales-Ruiz, Njeri Murage, Vittoria Offeddu, Andy South, Aleksandra Torbica, Filippo TrentiniAlessia Melegaro

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Objectives: To propose a novel framework for COVID-19 vaccine allocation based on three components of Vulnerability, Vaccination, and Values (3Vs).

Methods: A combination of geospatial data analysis and artificial intelligence methods for evaluating vulnerability factors at the local level and allocate vaccines according to a dynamic mechanism for updating vulnerability and vaccine uptake.

Results: A novel approach is introduced including (I) Vulnerability data collection (including country-specific data on demographic, socioeconomic, epidemiological, healthcare, and environmental factors), (II) Vaccination prioritization through estimation of a unique Vulnerability Index composed of a range of factors selected and weighed through an Artificial Intelligence (AI-enabled) expert elicitation survey and scientific literature screening, and (III) Values consideration by identification of the most effective GIS-assisted allocation of vaccines at the local level, considering context-specific constraints and objectives.

Conclusions: We showcase the performance of the 3Vs strategy by comparing it to the actual vaccination rollout in Kenya. We show that under the current strategy, socially vulnerable individuals comprise only 45% of all vaccinated people in Kenya while if the 3Vs strategy was implemented, this group would be the first to receive vaccines.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0275037
JournalPLoS ONE
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 2023


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