Quality assessment of an antimicrobial resistance surveillance system in a province of Nepal

Jyoti Acharya, Maria Zolfo, Wendemagegn Enbiale, Khine Wut Yee Kyaw, Meika Bhattachan, Nisha Rijal, Anjana Shrestha, Basudha Shrestha, Surendra Kumar Madhup, Bijendra Raj Raghubanshi, Hari Prasad Kattel, Piyush Rajbhandari, Parmananda Bhandari, Subhash Thakur, Saroj Sharma, Dipendra Raman Singh, Runa Jha

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Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global problem, and Nepal is no exception. Countries are expected to report annually to the World Health Organization on their AMR surveillance progress through a Global Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System, in which Nepal enrolled in 2017. We assessed the quality of AMR surveillance data during 2019-2020 at nine surveillance sites in Province 3 of Nepal for completeness, consistency, and timeliness and examined barriers for non-reporting sites. Here, we present the results of this cross-sectional descriptive study of secondary AMR data from five reporting sites and barriers identified through a structured questionnaire completed by representatives at the five reporting and four non-reporting sites. Among the 1584 records from the reporting sites assessed for consistency and completeness, 77-92% were consistent and 88-100% were complete, with inter-site variation. Data from two sites were received by the 15th day of the following month, whereas receipt was delayed by a mean of 175 days at three other sites. All four non-reporting sites lacked dedicated data personnel, and two lacked computers. The AMR surveillance data collection process needs improvement in completeness, consistency, and timeliness. Non-reporting sites need support to meet the specific requirements for data compilation and sharing.

Original languageEnglish
Article number60
JournalTropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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