title = "Safe motherhood strategies: a review of the evidence",
keywords = "Safe motherhood, Reproductive health, Maternal mortality, Prenatal care, Pregnancy, Traditional birth attendants, TBAs, Maternal health services, Health services-needs and demand, Equipment, Quality of care, Human resources, Training, Referral, Cost, Financing, Abortion, Equity, Private health care, Health sector reform, Monitoring",
author = "{De Brouwere}, V. and {van Lerberghe}, W. and Unknown Editors and G. Kegels and ITM, {Institute of Tropical Medicine} and ITM, {Institute of Tropical Medicine} and Interventions, {Unmet Need for Major Obstetric} and U.O.N. Network and Health, {Centre for Sexual & Reproductive} and U.K. JSI and {European Commission}, {Directorate General DEV (EC DG DEV)}",
year = "2001",
language = "English",
isbn = "90-76070-19-9",
series = "Studies in Health Services Organisation & Policy; 17",
publisher = "ITGPress",
address = "Belgium",