The control of sexual and sporogonic differentiation of rodent and human malarial parasites

M Wéry, RE Sinden, C Janse, M Ponzi

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationScience and technology for development - health; second programme (1987-1991); summaries of the final reports of the research contracts; volume A: parasitology: malaria, schistosomiasis, trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis, filariasis, other parasitic diseases
    Place of Publication[s.l.]
    PublisherEuropean Commission, Directorate General XII, Science, Research and Development
    Publication date1995
    Publication statusPublished - 1995


    • B780-tropical-medicine
    • Protozoology
    • Plasmodium berghei
    • Molecular biology
    • Research project summary
    • Plasmodium falciparum

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