The reduction of the leprosy endemicity in northeastern Zaire 1975/1989

R Tonglet, SR Pattyn, NN Bola, E Eeckhout, J Deverchin

Research output: Contribution to journalA1: Web of Science-articlepeer-review


The leprosy endemy in Uele, North Eastern region of Zaire has declined considerably since the 1950's, particularly since 1975. The hypothesis is advanced that the most important causal factor has been the distribution of dapsone for many years, through a vertical programme. The gradual increase of dapsone resistance has been taken care of by the introduction of combined, multidrug therapy in the 1980's. The cost per patient detected and treated rises in inverse proportion to the decline in endemy; therefore, the time has come for the integration of a leprosy control in the primary health care strategy. However, central specialized teams financed by voluntary organisations should be maintained to assure training of personnel, to give advice in diagnosis, prevention and treatment of complications, to provide drugs and to assist in rehabilitation
Original languageEnglish
JournalEuropean Journal of Epidemiology
Pages (from-to)404-406
Publication statusPublished - 1990


  • B780-tropical-medicine
  • Leprosy
  • Bacterial diseases
  • Surveys
  • Congo-Kinshasa
  • Uele
  • Pawa
  • Africa-Central


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