TLTF in cerebrospinal fluid for detection and staging of T. b. gambiense infection

M.H. Abdulla, M. Bakhiet, V. Lejon, J. Andersson, J. McKerrow, O. Al-Obeed, R.A. Harris

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    BACKGROUND: Trypanosome-derived lymphocyte triggering factor (TLTF) is a molecule released by African trypanosomes that interacts with the host immune system, resulting in increased levels of IFN-gamma production. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: TLTF and anti-TLTF antibodies were assessed in sera and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from patients infected with Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (T. b. gambiense) in an attempt to identify alternative markers for diagnosis and stage determination of human African trypanosomiasis or sleeping sickness. Seventy-four serum and sixty-one CSF samples from patients with parasitologically confirmed infection and known disease stage along with 13 sera and CSF from uninfected controls were tested. In serum the levels of anti-TLTF antibodies were unrelated to the disease stage. In contrast, levels of anti-TLTF antibodies in CSF were higher in intermediate/late stages than in early stage disease patients. Specificity of the detected antibodies was assessed by inhibition of TLTF bioactivity as represented by its ability to induce IFN-gamma production. Additionally, TLTF was detected in CSF from late stage patients by Western blotting with the anti-TLTF specific monoclonal antibody MO3. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These findings suggest a new possibility for disease diagnosis with focus on involvement of the CNS through detection of TLTF and anti-TLTF antibodies in the CSF.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalPLoS ONE
    Issue number11
    Pages (from-to)e79281
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


    • Protozoal diseases
    • Sleeping sickness
    • Trypanosomiasis-African
    • Trypanosoma brucei gambiense
    • Vectors
    • Tsetse flies
    • Glossina morsitans morsitans
    • Diagnosis
    • Detection
    • Staging
    • Serology
    • Cerebrospinal fluid
    • Lymphocytes
    • IFN-g
    • Markers
    • Antibodies
    • Specificity
    • Laboratory techniques and procedures
    • Congo-Kinshasa
    • Africa-Central


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