Towards an integrated approach in surveillance of vector-borne diseases in Europe

Marieta Braks, Joke van der Giessen, Mirjam Kretzschmar, Wifrid van Pelt, Ernst-Jan Scholte, Chantal Reusken, Hervé Zeller, Wim Van Bortel, Hein Sprong

Research output: Contribution to journalA1: Web of Science-articlepeer-review


Vector borne disease (VBD) emergence is a complex and dynamic process. Interactions between multiple disciplines and responsible health and environmental authorities are often needed for an effective early warning, surveillance and control of vectors and the diseases they transmit. To fully appreciate this complexity, integrated knowledge about the human and the vector population is desirable. In the current paper, important parameters and terms of both public health and medical entomology are defined in order to establish a common language that facilitates collaboration between the two disciplines. Special focus is put on the different VBD contexts with respect to the current presence or absence of the disease, the pathogen and the vector in a given location. Depending on the context, whether a VBD is endemic or not, surveillance activities are required to assess disease burden or threat, respectively. Following a decision for action, surveillance activities continue to assess trends.

Original languageEnglish
Article number192
JournalParasites and Vectors
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Externally publishedYes


  • Animals
  • Communicable Disease Control
  • Disease Vectors
  • Europe
  • Humans
  • Population Surveillance
  • Evaluation Studies
  • Journal Article
  • Review


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