Will visceral leishmaniasis be eliminated from Nepal? a review of recent (1994-2006) control efforts

G P Bhandari, M R Angdembe, S Rijal, M Boelaert

    Research output: Contribution to journalA2: International peer reviewed article (not A1-type)peer-review


    The Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) control program in Nepal launched in 1993 includes provision of free diagnostic test, treatment along with vector control by indoor residual spraying. However, even after 14 years the disease is far from being controlled. Elimination of VL by 2015 has recently been identified as a regional priority with high level of political commitment. We analyzed the VL control effort in Nepal over the period 1994-2006 and tried to formulate recommendations for the VL elimination initiative. To document performance of the VL control program in Nepal we used literature review and a case study. First, we reviewed articles on VL in Nepal published in medical journals through Pubmed, ISI Web of Science, Google scholar and by hand searching. Secondly, the grey literature, mainly the reports on VL drafted by the Ministry of Health was reviewed for the period 1994-2006. Thirdly, a case study is presented to analyze the performance of the VL elimination program in a "pilot district", where the program was launched in 2006. There are only few studies available on VL in Nepal discussing the epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, vector bionomics, human behavior and prevention. The review of the grey literature from 1994-2006 revealed that the VL incidence rate remained almost constant since 1993 despite the control efforts. The case study showed that there is a lack of trained human resources, laboratory facilities and treatment guidelines which is hindering the decentralization of the VL elimination program.

    Original languageEnglish
    JournalNepal Medical College Journal : NMCJ
    Issue number3
    Pages (from-to)220-225
    Number of pages6
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


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